PSA 205 Community Meeting and Walk – April 24 at 6PM

Second District Officers and community members participated in a one-hour community walk of PSA 205. The purpose of the event was to allow community members to familiarize themselves with MPD Officers and to prevent potential crimes by identifying vehicles that had valuables left in plain view, packages left on porches, etc. Officer McElwee discussed crime stats/traffic reports/trends and distributed Theft from Auto, CCTV program, and other literature to residents and businesses. Officer McElwee also conducted a hands-on demonstration with their Lidar Unit (commonly known as a Speed Radar Gun) along Foxhall Road. See the images that follow — those commuters never knew what hit them!

Organizer: 2D Officer Tony McElwee
When: Wednesday, April 24, 2019, from 6:00 PM-7:30 PM.
Where: Hardy Rec Center (4500 Q St NW) to Jetties (1609 Foxhall Rd NW)

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    The next FCCA General Meeting: Wednesday February 26th from 6:30-8PM at the Hardy Rec Center (4500 Q Street NW)

    DC Councilmember Matt Frumin will be joining us to discuss challenges facing the District in the coming year, and will take comments and questions.

    All are welcome to attend, whether or not you are a member of the FCCA.  Of course, we would like you to be a part of the FCCA.  You can bring your 2025 dues payment to the meeting. (See the link “Join the FCCA” above.)

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