Neighborhood Watch
Neighborhood Watch is a community-based crime prevention program where neighbors look out for each other’s safety, property and homes in a systematic and sustained way. It is based on the idea that when residents, businesses, clergy, police and other partners look out for the safety of the neighborhood, establish and maintain open lines of communication, and collaborate to resolve problems of crime and disorder, they create safer, friendlier and healthier neighborhoods.
In 2010, Foxhall Village organized a Neighborhood Watch with the following people volunteering as Block Captains:
- Claire Swift and Mary Gaughan — Reservoir Road
- Scott Polk — 44th Street
- Mary Ann Griffin — east side of Foxhall Road
- Jan Smart, Olya Duzey and Bob Whalen — Greenwich Parkway
- Sara Paulson, Joann Cogar, and Margot Squires — Q Street
- Chrys Miliaras and William Bateson — Volta Place
- Block Captain Needed — Surrey Lane
- Block Captain Needed — P Street
Mallory Lawson is the Neighborhood Watch Coordinator for Foxhall Village.
To set up a Neighborhood Watch in your part of the FCCA, contact Samantha Nolan, the Neighborhood Watch Coordinator for DC.