Hardy Park Clean-Up (and Spring Fling) from May 4, 2019

In case you missed it this year, more than twenty neighbors joined in the effort that was arranged and led by the Friends of Hardy and the FCCA. Here are some shots of some of the workers that day. The following photos are all from Gerald Henderson. Thank you, Gerald!

If you have any images from either the clean-up or Spring Fling portion of the day, don’t hesitate to share them.

Foxhall Garden Club Lower Q Leaf Clean-Up (from April 27)

The following images were from the renegade “Foxhall Garden Club” Leaf Clean-up on the morning of April 27, 2019. If you’d like to join in the fun, the Club has been meeting regularly to beautify targeted areas within the FCCA boundaries. Contact Conrad DeWitte for more.

Follow the Hardy Park and Rec Center Renovation Effort

If you would like to keep up with what is going on with the Hady Park renovation, there is no more a definitive place to go than DPR’s root page for the effort. Visit it here:


You’ll find key players as well as slides and presentation packages of updates provided by DPR and the contracted vendors (architects, builders, etc.).

Note: If you find the slides too hard to view (or the “full screen” control does not make them fullscreen), you can try this URL at SlideShare to get more direct access:

Peter Nohrden, our DPR Project Manager and our general go-to, shared this with us after the progress meeting shared on April 29, 2019: “Thank you for coming out and providing us with great feedback on the design as we continue to revise the plans as we move forward. Please find the link to the presentation below and please share this with your family, friends, and neighbors who could not make the presentation. We will send you out a flyer once we schedule our next meeting after a contractor is hired to continue the design discussions in more detail.”

Here’s a sample slide that shows a concept of the plaza area. See more by folloowing thre asbove link to DPR’s site and the entire presentation.

Safeway Staff Appreciation Event is On!

The following from Steve Gardner:

We are pleased to announce that our community’s Safeway Staff Appreciation Event is on for Saturday, April 27 from 3-5 pm in front of the store.

We received our public space permit this afternoon. Special thanks to ANC Chair Chuck Elkins and to Jessica Wertheim of the Mayor’s Office.

Special thanks also to the Palisades Citizens Association, the Lab School, and George Washington University for their financial and organizational support.

Many of you asked what you could do to help. Most importantly, please come by on Saturday. We will have food and drink available so no need to bring anything. We would, though, be grateful for small contributions to help offset costs.

We are also pleased that DC’s own Crush Funk Band will perform.

This will be a great send off to the wonderful Safeway staff!


Steve Gardner

PSA 205 Community Meeting and Walk – April 24 at 6PM

Second District Officers and community members participated in a one-hour community walk of PSA 205. The purpose of the event was to allow community members to familiarize themselves with MPD Officers and to prevent potential crimes by identifying vehicles that had valuables left in plain view, packages left on porches, etc. Officer McElwee discussed crime stats/traffic reports/trends and distributed Theft from Auto, CCTV program, and other literature to residents and businesses. Officer McElwee also conducted a hands-on demonstration with their Lidar Unit (commonly known as a Speed Radar Gun) along Foxhall Road. See the images that follow — those commuters never knew what hit them!

Organizer: 2D Officer Tony McElwee
When: Wednesday, April 24, 2019, from 6:00 PM-7:30 PM.
Where: Hardy Rec Center (4500 Q St NW) to Jetties (1609 Foxhall Rd NW)

Help yourself

We had a general meeting on April 17, 2019, with special guest Mary Cheh. She responded to a lot of questions and engaged everyone for more than two hours. Additionally, her chief of staff, Jonathan Willingham, as well as the Ward 3 Liaison from the Mayor’s Office of Community Service and Relations, Jessica Wertheim, were in attendance and each shared a number of very useful resources we should all exploit. They are listed below, but long after this post is dated, those same resources can be found on the LINKS page. Go nuts, and definitely get the DC 311 App for your phone so you can report issues as you walk by them!

  • 311 – Get help now at DC’s 311. You can also download the app and have it handy to report your wishes while on the go
  • Paving initiatives and issues – Get a sense of where we will be by 2024.
  • Damage to your auto from potholes or poor road conditions? – You can file a claim form within six months of the incident that caused the damage.
  • Report Double Poles – Check on, and report Double Poles that are not already on the PEPCO list of poles to be removed.

Rock Creek Far West Livability Study – Public Workshop #2

Save the Date!
Saturday, May 18, 2019
11:00AM – 1:00PM
Short presentation at 11:30AM

Stoddert Elementary School, Multipurpose Room
4001 Calvert Street NW, Washington, DC 20007

The Rock Creek Far West Livability Study will identify opportunities for safer travel for residents and visitors to the neighborhoods in the study area. The purpose of the study is to enhance the quality of life of the community through improvements to transportation safety and connections to destinations. This study will also align with Mayor Bowser’s Vision Zero Initiative, which has an objective to reach zero fatalities and serious injuries to travelers of the District’s transportation system by 2024.

For more on the Rock Creek Far West Livability Study, visit them at their website:

Report Air Noise When it Happens with airnoise.io

After appearing in a 2018 WSJ article, a website called Airnoise.io, which aims to combat the cumbersome and time-consuming aircraft noise complaint process, has received nationwide attention from communities plagued by aircraft noise.

Airnoise.io instantly submits an aircraft noise complaint to your local airport authority by either clicking your “Airnoise button”, sending a text message, visiting their website, and/or soon by apps for IOS and Android phones. Maryland residents affected by air traffic from BWI praised the innovative tool in an article written by the Washington Post from last December (link below).

For more, see


WSJ (Aug 2018)
Washington Post (Dec 2018)
San Diego Union-Tribune (Sep 2018)

  • Current Newsletter


    JOIN THE FCCA List Serve!

    Download the current issue  or explore past issues


    The next FCCA General Meeting: Wednesday February 26th from 6:30-8PM at the Hardy Rec Center (4500 Q Street NW)

    DC Councilmember Matt Frumin will be joining us to discuss challenges facing the District in the coming year, and will take comments and questions.

    All are welcome to attend, whether or not you are a member of the FCCA.  Of course, we would like you to be a part of the FCCA.  You can bring your 2025 dues payment to the meeting. (See the link “Join the FCCA” above.)

    Other Items

    Photos: Holiday Cheer around the Neighborhood

    Photos from 2024 FCCA Halloween Party