Hardy Park Clean-Up (and Spring Fling) from May 4, 2019

In case you missed it this year, more than twenty neighbors joined in the effort that was arranged and led by the Friends of Hardy and the FCCA. Here are some shots of some of the workers that day. The following photos are all from Gerald Henderson. Thank you, Gerald!

If you have any images from either the clean-up or Spring Fling portion of the day, don’t hesitate to share them.

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    The next FCCA General Meeting: Wednesday February 26th from 6:30-8PM at the Hardy Rec Center (4500 Q Street NW)

    DC Councilmember Matt Frumin will be joining us to discuss challenges facing the District in the coming year, and will take comments and questions.

    All are welcome to attend, whether or not you are a member of the FCCA.  Of course, we would like you to be a part of the FCCA.  You can bring your 2025 dues payment to the meeting. (See the link “Join the FCCA” above.)

    Other Items

    Photos: Holiday Cheer around the Neighborhood

    Photos from 2024 FCCA Halloween Party