Article I Name and Geographic Boundaries

The name of the association shall be the Foxhall Community Citizens Association (FCCA). The FCCA shall be a rectangular area bounded by Glover-Archbold Park on the east and north, ending at Whitehaven Parkway, and south and west from Whitehaven Parkway to Canal Road returning east to Glover-Archbold Park. The area shall include the residents of East Palisades, Canal View, Colony Hill, Senate Heights, Dumbarton, Foxhall Village, Charleston Terrace, Indian Rock Terrace, and Georgetown Reservoir.

Article II FCCA Mission

The FCCA shall develop and preserve the historic character and aesthetic values of the area, promote community friendship, represent neighborhood interests before regulatory and administrative legal authorities, and assist governmental agencies in the fulfillment of their duties.

Article III FCCA Publications

The FCCA newsletter shall be distributed periodically, and the FCCA Web Page shall be updated as necessary. An e-mail neighbor and member contact list shall be maintained. The content of these publications shall be solicited from the FCCA membership and the FCCA Board of Directors. The Board reserves the right to edit these publications.

Article IV Board of Directors

Directors of the Board of Directors shall be elected by a majority FCCA membership vote at the annual meeting and shall serve for a one-year term, or until a quorum enables an election to take place. Only FCCA members residing within the FCCA geographic area may be nominated as Directors. The Board shall consist of not less than seven or more than nineteen Directors. Each year, the Board of Directors shall prepare an operations plan for the succeeding year, which shall be presented to the FCCA membership. The Board is empowered to transact all necessary and urgent business of the FCCA, including, but not limited to, financial expenditures, membership drives and dues collection, presentations before administrative and legal authorities, and the newsletter publication and distribution. The Board shall nominate a slate of Director candidates at the Annual meeting. Director nominations from the floor also may be made at the Annual meeting. The Board of Directors shall elect a Director to serve as Chairperson (or Board President, at their discretion). The Directors shall meet at the request of the Chairperson on two-days notice.

Article V Chairperson

In addition to the responsibilities in connection with the Board of Directors, the Chairperson, or his/her designee, shall preside at the FCCA Board of Directors and general meetings, appoint standing and special interest committees, and make Director assignments. Directors, when requested by the Chairperson, shall make reports on their respective assignments. The Chairperson, or her/his designee, shall take all necessary measures to maintain order and efficiency in the management of the FCCA. In case of a Director death, removal from office, or resignation, the Chairperson shall appoint an FCCA member to fill the vacancy temporarily until a successor is elected.

Article VI Director and Committee Assignments

The Chairperson shall assign the work of the FCCA to individual Directors or committees.

Article VII Membership

Any individual who is at least 18 years of age and a resident in the FCCA geographic boundaries shall be eligible for membership upon the payment of the required dues. Resident membership for a single dwelling shall be limited to the number of non-related occupants permitted under District of Columbia zoning law. Any person, corporation or association that does not qualify as an FCCA resident shall be eligible for associate, nonvoting membership upon nomination by an active member and the payment of the required dues.

Article VIII Dues

The FCCA annual membership dues shall be set by the Board of Directors and assessed on a calendar year basis (January 1 to December 31).

Article IX Meetings

Four FCCA general meetings shall be held on the third Wednesday of the month at a convenient time and place to be designated by the Board of Directors. Unless a special need arises, general meetings will not be held in December, July and August. The FCCA annual meeting shall be in November, unless otherwise specified by the Board. Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of FCCA business. The Board of Directors, as needed, may call a special meeting. Notice of the special meeting shall be provided at least five days in advance of the meeting. FCCA general meetings and agenda items shall be announced in the FCCA newsletter or posted at the Hardy Recreation Center. The Board of Directors shall set the meeting agenda. FCCA members may request items to be included on the agenda provided 15-days advance notice is given. At the end of the general meeting, community comment on non-agenda interests may be presented time permitting. On matters requiring a membership vote, each FCCA member shall be entitled to one vote to be cast in person at a general meeting.

Article X Disbursements

Disbursements are to be made in accordance with the financial interests of the FCCA. The moneys of the FCCA shall be managed by the Chairperson or her/his designee. The Chairperson is authorized to commit funds for amounts not to exceed $500.00. The Board of Directors is authorized to commit funds for amounts not to exceed $1,000.00. The FCCA membership must approve all expenditures above $1,000.00.

Article XI Parliamentary Procedures

The Chairperson or a Director shall preside at the FCCA general meetings. The rules of parliamentary procedure contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised may be used to govern the general meetings.

Article XII Bylaw Amendments

The FCCA Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at any general meeting.

Adopted May 26, 1976
Amended January 15, 1997
Amended April 24, 2002
Amended February 16, 2005

  • Current Newsletter


    JOIN THE FCCA List Serve!

    Download the current issue  or explore past issues


    The next FCCA General Meeting: Wednesday February 26th from 6:30-8PM at the Hardy Rec Center (4500 Q Street NW)

    DC Councilmember Matt Frumin will be joining us to discuss challenges facing the District in the coming year, and will take comments and questions.

    All are welcome to attend, whether or not you are a member of the FCCA.  Of course, we would like you to be a part of the FCCA.  You can bring your 2025 dues payment to the meeting. (See the link “Join the FCCA” above.)

    Other Items

    Photos: Holiday Cheer around the Neighborhood

    Photos from 2024 FCCA Halloween Party